Booking and Contact

Schloss Sommersdorf is rather an adventure than a professional business venture. You will not be just a tourist but you will feel like a private guest in the castle. “My home is my castle” might become: “the castle is my home”.

Schloss Sommersdorf is not a common hotel. Therefore, the minimum stay for each room and apartment is 3 days. You will cater for yourself. Castle tours are on request

Do you have questions? Do you need further information?

Contact us!

Old Castle1-6 days7-20 days> 21 days
Gabriele Apartment 180 €162 €144 €
Bird Apartment 180 €162 €144 €
Carola Apartment 190 €171 €152 €
Butterfly Room
(when booking as an additional room)
110 €
(100 €)
99 €
(89 €)
88 €
(78 €)
Extra bed 30 €20 €20 €

All prices are per room or per room. Apartment/night.

All rooms/apartments are modern, comfortable and largely antique. The butterfly room is usually rented with the Vogel- or Gabriele-Apartment.

Dr. Manfred Baron und Lilo Baroness von Crailsheim

D – 91595 Sommersdorf / Germany

Tel.: +49 – (0) 98 05 / 91 92 0
Fax + 49 – (0) 98 05 / 91 92 93
E-Mail: Crailsheim-von-Manfred@t-online.de
